Prepare Your Home for Colder Weather
As temperatures drop and colder days settle in, ensuring your home is prepared for winter is crucial. Now that the heating season has begun, keeping your home cozy while controlling energy costs is more important than ever. Here are some helpful tips to make your home...
The Unsung Hero of Summer: The Role of Insulation in Keeping Your Home Cool
When you think of insulation, your mind likely drifts to the chilly winter months, imagining how it keeps your home snug and warm. However, insulation is not just a wintertime hero. It plays a crucial role during the sweltering summer months as well. Insulation is a...
4 tips to help you save energy in the summer
Summer may seem like the season of the outdoors, but it’s also the time of the year when we consume the most energy indoors. Think about it: fans and A/C units are constantly abuzz; late nights outside mean more outdoor lights on; and in general, we’re just doing...
How can insulation lower my heating costs?
Insulation can help reduce heating costs by 50-70% depending on a few factors. While this is not always 100% true, savings can still start at about 30% and work upward from there. While 70% is not out of reach, it can be a heavy initial investment that many people may...
When to consider new insulation
As the saying goes “out of sight, out of mind”, it is no exception when it comes to household insulation. Many individuals don’t give insulation a second thought after building or purchasing a home as it is something that hardly ever comes into eyesight. Despite...
Lack of attic insulation results in ice dams
With winter reaching freezing temperatures throughout New England, we’ll start to see ice, snow and the typical consistent winter weather before we know it. With the cold comes a whole range of new issues on homes, with one being ice dams. We see them all over the...